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Closed Positions - January, 2007

Closed Positions - January 2007

Based on $10,000 per trade, we had a profit of $1811 for January. If we divide our profit by our $20,000 portfolio value, we had a return of 9.06% for the month.

Stock Long/Short Entry Date Exit Date Entry Price Exit Price Final Profit
Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) Long 12/28 1/05 32.58 34.20 4.97%
Agilent Technologies Inc. (A) Long 1/16 1/18 33.51 31.80 -5.10%
Lyondell Chemical Co. (LYO) Long 1/05 1/25 25.22 27.60 9.44%
Cimarex Energy Co. (XEC) Long 1/11 1/30 35.34 37.50 6.11%
Forest Laboratories Inc. (FRX) Long 1/19 1/30 54.73 56.20 2.69%