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Closed Positions - August, 2008

Closed Positions - August 2008

Based on $10,000 per trade, we had a profit of $1122 for August. If we divide our loss by our $20,000 portfolio value, we had a return of 5.61% for the month.

Stock Long/Short Entry Date Exit Date Entry Price Exit Price Final Profit
Cooper Industries Ltd. (CBE) Long 7/29 8/14 42.46 44.34 4.43%
Embarq Corp. (EQ) Long 8/05 8/13 44.38 46.82 5.50%
Bank of America Corporation (BAC) Long 8/13 8/26 29.83 28.70 -3.79%
Ameriprise Financial Inc. (AMP) Long 8/19 8/28 43.09 44.85 4.08%
Owens & Minor Inc. (OMI) Long 8/22 8/29 45.89 46.35 1.00%